Lesson Rates
Private Instruction
Hourly: $120
Half Hour: $80
Half Day (4 hours): $400
Monthly Plans
Monthly plans are the best option for juniors and competitive players that are looking to take their game to the next level. Full time programs have helped juniors drop over ten shots off of their tournament average in less than a year, helped collegiate golfers increase their athletic scholarships, and helped professional golfers make more money.
Because plans are tailored to each individual's needs, prices will vary. If you have any questions or would like to discuss creating your own program, please reach out to me at 706.299.0013 or at brianmcoaching@gmail.com.
Online Lessons
$50 per lesson
Over the years I have done hundreds and hundreds of online lessons. I have been lucky enough to work with and develop relationships with golfers all around the world. Golfers ranging from beginners to professional golfers have improved their games while working with me remotely.
Thanks to the advancement of smart phone cameras, this process is now easier than ever. All I need is a good video from down the target line (aimed down the feet), a video from face on (both videos around chest high), and notes describing your misses on the course and what your goals are. The steadier the videos the better my analysis can be, so I would suggest a tripod.
Each lesson includes a thorough analysis and any follow up information that is necessary. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please reach out to me at brianmcoaching@gmail.com.